We earnestly appeal to kind hearted people like you to lend a helping hand by donating liberally so as to enable us to fulfill our long cherished dream of taking care of the mentally Challenged children for their whole life. We also request you to please send this appeal for whole circulation among our friends and relative, whom you think would help us in this endeavour. We will be honoured if you could spare your valuable time and visit our institution at your convenience
Ways to help us
Sponsor a Child
Sponsoring a child includes shelter, breakfast, lunch, evening snack, dinner, clothing, education, physiotherapy, medical expenses and other amenities for daily living.
Sponsor A Child For One Month – INR 6,000
Sponsor A Child For One Year – INR 72,000
Make your special occasions special for our children as well. Let our children be a part of your special day.
Treat our children to a special meal on your special day.